WordPress Short URL Maker free download full

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WP Short URL Maker

A plugin that auto shorten's your post/page uri's on publication, and make's these avaiable in the admin EDIT/ADD post/page view; making it easier to share on your social media network.

== Description ==

A plugin that auto shorten's your post/page uri's on publication, and make's these avaiable in the admin EDIT/ADD post/page view; making it easier to share on your social media network.


1. Auto shorten URLs in wordpress, "on the fly", as you click the publish button.
1. Get info about a URL's click from bit.ly, directly in your admin.

== Installation ==

This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.

1. Upload folder `wp_shorturlmaker` to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
1. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
1. There would an option available in the settings tab, called 'WP Short URL Maker'. Here you need to enter your Bit.ly username and Bit.ly api key, don't have one? Get one here.
1. And you are good to go.


Usage: To use it within your theme template, add as and where applicable

== Screenshots ==

1. shorturlmaker.png