wordpress global admin bar hide or remove free download


Easily add a global option to hide/remove the front end Toolbar in WP 3.1+ for logged in users. In WordPress 3.3+, you cannot hide the back end toolbar as it is now part of the standard WordPress back end.

Adds an option to the Settings Menu to globally turn off the front end Toolbar and/or turn off the user option in the profile to show toolbar.


 * Options Page with setting options
* Remove FRONT END WordPress Toolbar for logged in users
* Remove Profile "Show Toolbar when viewing site" message/settings
* Select User level for toolbar removal


= If you downloaded this plugin: =
* Upload `global-admin-bar-hide-or-remove` folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
* Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
* Once Activated, you can add access the options page from the SETTINGS menu under TOOLBAR OPTIONS

= If you install this plugin through WordPress 2.8+ plugin search interface: =
* Click Install `Global Hide/Remove Toolbar Plugin`
* Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
* Once Activated, you can add access the options page from the SETTINGS menu under TOOLBAR OPTIONS