Block WebSites Free Download full Latest Add-on


About this Add-on

General usage
You can add and/or remove websites, you don't want to visit ever again, via the BlockSite Preferences. You can open this window by clicking on the options button of BlockSite in Tools > Add-ons menu, or by clicking on the Preferences item in the context menu of the extension in the Extension Manager.

You can block whole ranges of websites by using the wildcard symbol (*):
If you want to block, for example, a lot of Microsoft websites, you can use the following line: "http://*.microsoft.*" and "http://microsoft.*" The * symbol indicates that there may be zero or more random characters at that place.

You can import and export lists of locations via the 'Import' and 'Export' buttons in the 'BlockSite Preferences' window. The first line in the file you want to import has to be the '[BlockSite]' in order to be read succesfully. So your file may look like:


If you still use Mozilla Firefox 1.5.0.*, you can use older versions of this extension.

Password protection
If you lost your password: go to about:config (type about:config in the location bar and press enter) and reset the BlockSite.authenticate entry or clear the BlockSite.password entry.

Some problems were reported about the loading latency whenever a very long list of blocked urls has to be checked. Every web site often makes more than ten HTTP calls and on every call, the long list of urls is checked. It's quite obvious and I probably won't change it.

About the developer is a team of developer enthusiastic to Chrome Extensions and Mozilla Add-ons. We love developing extensions for users and we are happy to hear new ideas and any feedback from you. That is why you can write us on anytime and be sure that we will reply. Stay tuned for new extensions. We are planning to make a lot of them!